Bruno Bernard instructing TV viewers on how to shoot pin-ups during one of several "TV Pin-Up Schools" that Bernard brought to the new medium of television (1951)

                        Andre de Dienes                  An early photographer of Marilyn Monroe and master at photographing the nude     


I've decided to dedicate a website to glamour photographers and models from the 1950s and 60s. As a huge glamour fan, I was disappointed to find so little information on some of my favorite photographers and models from that era. Creating this website will force me to do a little detective work and bring this information to other fans of this genre of photography.

Some of the photographers that I intend to profile include two of my favorites, the team of Peter and Alice Gowland and also Bunny Yeager. In addition, you'll find information on Andre de Dienes, Bruno Bernard, Sam Wu, Danny Rouzer, Frank Bez, Mario Casilli, Russ Meyer, Ron Vogel, Earl Leaf and Eva Grant on the "Ten Top Photographers" page. On the "More Photographers" page, you'll find profiles on David M. Mills, Peter James Samerjan, Keith Bernard, Bill Hamilton, William and Melba Figge, Edward DeLong, Edmund Leja, William Graham, Carlyle Blackwell and Art Messick. The "More Photographers Page 2" features David Sutton, Hal Adams, Philip Stearns, Eric Herman, Ed Alexander, Ed Braslaff, Barbara and Justin Kerr, Pompeo Posar, Don Ornitz and Zoltan Glass. On the "More Photographers Page 3" you'll find Jerry Yulsman, Ken Parker, Harry Maxwell, Irv Carsten, Dorothy Gunn, M. Richard Marx, Wil Blanche, Joan Craven, Anthony DiMarco and Edward Lettau. "More Photographers Page 4" features Phil Jacobson, Kurt Reichert, Paul Morton Smith, Michael LeRoy, Charles Kell, Ed Lange, Herb Flatow, Curt Gunther, George Gowland and Jan Caldwell. On "More Photographers Page 5" you'll find info on Gerry Low, Burr Jerger, Frank Eck, Luandre Furia, Jon Pownall, RBK Photography, Donald Klumpp, Jerry Tannen (Gerald B. Tannen), Larry Caye and Arnold Rubenstein. "More Photographers Page 6" features Theda and Emerson Hall, Don Regas, Jack Howard, Robert B. Kohl, Burt Owen, Christa, Douglas Grundy, Virgil Buss, Katie and Burt Owen and Glenn Otto. On "More Photographers Page 7" you'll find information on Jean Hidey, Jack and Jean Drebert, Fran Hunt, Edward Canby, Paul Duckworth, Eddie Rocco, Eugene Hanson, Lyle S. Wessale and Charles Aquaviva. "More Photographers Page 8" features Jerry White and Tom Kallard. If you're a fan of 1950s and 60s era Playboy, you may recognize some of these names, as several of them shot for the magazine in those early days.

I'll give Peter Gowland and Bunny Yeager their own pages on this site, with the rest of the glamour photographers listed on the pages mentioned above. So, let's get started!







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